If you are 50 plus never despair! Robert Marchand the French cyclist (26 November 1911 – 22 May 2021) celebrated his 107th birthday by going for a 20-kilometre bike ride in the Ardèche and he stopped riding from his 108th birthday because of hearing loss! In other words you have another half a century or more of achievements waiting for you if you take to cycling. Want to know more? Click here!
50+? Dont Despair!
Cycling can never be forgotten!
See the accompanying video on the right! The gentleman featured is past his prime pushing for 70 soon. And this was the first day of cycling after God knows how many decades. Ramasamy as the professional accountant with worldwide practice was busy building his career and family all these years with no space for cycling in his schedules. He had promised CycletoFuture.com that one day he and his partner Lakshmi would start cycling and here he goes! A flawless first time in years cycling lap around his colony in Chennai.
The goal of course is to hit the European cycling circuit which I have been personally enticing him to, where his daughter already is settled! Goals may be different but cycling is the best way to free your mind and keeping fit to reach your destined targets. Congratulations Ramasamy for your feat which sure is an inspiration for all 50+ ladies and gentlemen! The way to go!

You want further reassurance?, The gentleman featured Srinivasan from Doha is over 60 and the author and promoter of this website is 64 years of age with a daily average ride of 35 km.
There are a lot of questions crowding in your mind we guess
1. Wont it is be exhausting to cycle?
2. Can I cycle 100 km a day?
3. How about taking up a 300 km weekend up and down ride?
4. What cycle I need to buy?
5. What sort of exercise regime I need before taking up long rides?
6. What about the nutrition and food regime?
There is so much more. We have tackled some of this in other pages but will answer these in this page as well.

In the year 2021 we had our First Year Anniversary Cycling contest Event for 50 Plus age cyclists which is continuing . The idea is to send us evidence of your daily cycling prowess exceeding 50 km per day on an average Six days in any month with your date stamped photographs of the claim and win a certificate from us.
Meet the most unlikely 50 Plus Hero Mr Tewari who completed 400 km in less than a fortnight in long distance rides one of which clocked 210 km in 10.20 Hrs. Two Angioplasties and three stents later, Mr Tewari is still going strong. Read about him in our Blog pages.